Damayanti Purkayastha, Head of Strategy, MullenLowe MENA

V enem stavku…

What’s the biggest factor driving marketing effectiveness today? 

In an age of content abundance and attention scarcity, the killer ingredient for effectiveness is creativity.  

Katera je ključna lekcija o učinkovitosti trženja, ki ste se je naučili iz izkušenj? 

Real marketing effectiveness can only come from long- and short-term activities that strengthen the brand.   

Kakšna je pogosta napačna predstava o učinkovitosti trženja? 

Effectiveness is often only associated with results related to conversion or bottom of the funnel marketing, but in fact it’s relevant across the whole funnel.   

Damayanti Purkayastha served on the jury for the 2024 Nagrade MENA Effie tekmovanje.