Saima Qamar, Managing Director, Tender Dragon

Jednou vetou…

Ako definujete efektívny marketing?
Effective marketing is anything that touches a valid need of the consumer.

Aké marketingové trendy vás momentálne nadchli?
Digital marketing, it’s like a drip irrigation system touching the right person at the right time.

Ako kreativita zvyšuje efektivitu?
If creativity is based on consumer insights, it will be effective.

Ako by mal podľa vás vyzerať marketing v nasledujúcich piatich rokoch?
I hope to see more ethical marketing—we at times overlook culture and values and just focus on sales.

Saima was a 2023 Ceny Effie v Pakistane sudca. Pozrite si ďalšie funkcie v jednej vete.