LONDON, 12 September – Effie United Kingdom announced today the 10 marketing leaders who will serve on the Grand Jury for the 2019 Effie Awards United Kingdom competition for marketing effectiveness.
Following two rounds of rigorous review, this final jury will select the most effective work of the year in the UK to receive the “best in show”, the Grand Effie.
The jury will be chaired by Mark Evans, Managing Director of Marketing and Digital at Direct Line Group.
“The Effies are special to our industry and it’s a huge honour to chair the Jury with such an esteemed panel,” said Evans. “I’m sure that it will be challenging to decide given that we are discussing the very best of the best which inherently sets the benchmark for the world in how marketing effectiveness should be delivered.”
Joining Evans on the 2019 Grand Effie Jury are:
- Luke Bradley-Jones, Senior Vice-President, Direct-to-Consumer, Disney
- Rob Campbell, Chief Strategy Officer, EMEA, R/GA
- Paul Davies, Consumer Marketing Director, Microsoft
- Nicola Grant, Vice President – Integrated Marketing & Communications, UK, Ireland, Nordics & Baltics, Mastercard
- Rachel Forde, CEO, UM London
- Claire Hilton, Managing Director of Brand & Insight, Barclays
- Vicki Macguire, Chief Creative Officer, Grey London
- Lisa Thomas, Chief Brand Officer, Virgin
- Anna Vogt, Chief Strategy Officer, TBWA London
“The 2019 Grand Effie Jury, led by Mark Evans, brings together an impressive and diverse roster of marketing leadership who will debate this year’s contenders with a focus on business growth and marketing effectiveness” said Traci Alford, President & CEO of Effie Worldwide. “In selecting this year’s winner, the Grand Jury will set the gold standard for marketing effectiveness in the UK and further improve the benchmarks for marketing success globally.”
The session will be hosted at Linkedin’s London offices, where the jury will analyze and debate the highest-scoring Gold Effie winners from the 2019 Effie Awards competition.
A complete list of 2019 Effie Awards UK finalists is fáanleg hér. All finalists and winners will receive points towards their ranking in the global Effie Index.
The Grand Effie winner, along with the winners of the 2019 Gold, Silver and Bronze Effies, will be revealed at the awards gala on 19 September at Plaisterer’s Hall in London. To purchase tickets, smelltu hér.
For more information about Effie UK, please visit
Um Effie
Effie er alþjóðleg 501c3 sjálfseignarstofnun sem hefur það að markmiði að leiða og þróa vettvang fyrir skilvirkni markaðssetningar. Effie leiðir, hvetur og stendur vörð um iðkun og iðkendur markaðsárangurs með fræðslu, verðlaunum, framtaki í sífelldri þróun og fyrsta flokks innsýn í markaðsaðferðir sem skila árangri. Stofnunin viðurkennir áhrifaríkustu vörumerkin, markaðsmenn og umboðsskrifstofur, á heimsvísu, svæðisbundnum og staðbundnum í gegnum 50+ verðlaunaáætlanir sínar um allan heim og í gegnum eftirsótta árangursröð sína, Effie Index. Síðan 1968 hefur Effie verið þekktur sem alþjóðlegt tákn afreks, en þjónar sem auðlind til að stýra framtíð markaðsárangurs. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar, heimsækja