Egy mondatban…
Hogyan definiálja a hatékony marketinget?
Effective marketing is the conceptualization and execution of a creative solution that achieves an objective defined by the marketing team.
Milyen marketingtrend(ek)től izgat jelenleg?
Marketing trends that I’m excited about: the evolution from creative advertising to creative solutions that solve real consumer problems.
Hogyan hat a kreativitás a hatékonyságra?
Creativity is the component of a solution that guarantees a person (their heart and their mind) will take notice.
Ön szerint milyen lesz a marketing a következő öt évben?
I hope that marketing will look less like advertising and more like tangible and compelling solutions to real problems in consumers’ lives.
Dimitri was a Final Round judge in the 2022 Effie US Competition. Kattintson ide az Effie US 2022-es nyerteseinek listájának megtekintéséhez.