Winning an Effie is a global benchmark of marketing excellence. It can bolster budgets, attract new business and turbo-charge careers. It’s important that Effie represents the modern marketing landscape; while traditional advertising still has an important role to play, we welcome entries from all marketing disciplines, and our categories reflect this. 

This year we’re introducing two new awards: Brand of the Year i Agencija godine – to recognise organisations with effectiveness baked into their marketing approach.  See page 33 of the Entry Kit for further details.

We open for entries for 2025’s Awards programme on 4th March 2025 (we’ll add a link to the online Entry Portal here on 4th March). Our deadlines for submissions are: 

Early Bird       6th May 2025           £900

Standard        4th June 2025          £1,480

Extended       11th June 2025       £1,860



Sve činjenične informacije koje su vam potrebne za prijavu na jednom mjestu.

Komplet za ulazak

The best place to start. Includes information about eligibility, categories, fees, sourcing data, how to fill in the Entry Forms…in fact everything you need to know to write and submit your Effie entry. 

Preuzmite Entry Kit




Entry Form Templates

Predlošci koji će vam pomoći da napišete svoju prijavu prije nego što je pošaljete na Effiejev mrežni ulazni portal. Please use the Standard Template for all categories except Performance Marketing and Sustained Success categories. You can download the templates below:

Standardni obrazac za prijavu

Predložak obrasca za prijavu marketinga učinka

Predložak obrasca za unos održivog uspjeha




Korisne informacije i resursi koji će vam pomoći da svoj unos učinite najboljim što možete.


Učinkovit vodič za ulazak

Savjeti i savjeti sudaca Effie koji objašnjavaju kako izgleda nagrađeni rad.

Download Guide



Kako se prijaviti na radionice

A free 45 minute online training session to talk you through the Effie Awards entry process. Useful when you’re getting started. Just fill in this short form prijaviti se.


Entry Mentoring (subject to availability)

We pair you up with an experienced judge to help you improve your entry. Useful when you’ve written a draft and could do with fresh eyes on it. Free to attend. Contact us on to check availability.


EXAMPLES OF WINNING CASESWinning cases from previous years

These winning cases will help to show you what good looks like – just click on the images below to download each one.  We’ll be adding a few more from 2024’s Awards soon.

Yorkshire Tea by Lucky Generals (Grand winner)

Pot Noodle by U-Studio and OLIVER (Gold winner)

H&M by Digitas (Bronze winner)