"In the end the results are what matters,” said Alejandro Cardoso, Chairman of Effie partner organization AMAP, at Effie México’s 2013 Gala. The ceremony, which took place on October 3rd at Camino Real in Polanco, was held in recognition of 30 agency and client teams that best demonstrated effective marketing communication in Mexico. 14 bronze, 8 silver and 8 gold Effies were awarded. 5 of those 30 winners presented cases for various social causes.
Top Effie México 2013 winners include: Grupo Bimbo/Draftfcb, Moctezuma Heineken/Olabuenaga Chemistri, L'Oréal México/ Publicis México y Mindshare de México, RENAULT/Publicis Dialog, Museo Memoria y Tolerancia/Ogilvy & Mather, DHL EXPRESS/AREA6, Consejo de la Comunicación/Ganem Asociados, and Nuestro México del Futuro/ TERANTBWA.
O Effie Worldwide
Championing the practice and practitioners of marketing effectiveness, Effie Worldwide spotlights marketing ideas that work and encourages thoughtful dialogue around the drivers of marketing effectiveness. The Effie network works with some of the top research and media organizations worldwide to bring its audience relevant and first‐class insights into effective marketing strategy. The Effie Awards are known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre‐eminent award in the industry, and recognize any and all forms of marketing communication that contribute to a brand's success. Since 1968, winning an Effie has become a global symbol of achievement. Today, Effie celebrates effectiveness worldwide with the Global Effie, the Euro Effie, the Middle East/North Africa Effie, the Asia Pacific Effie and more than 40 national Effie programs. For more details, visit www.effie.org. Slijedite @effienagrade na Twitteru za najnovije informacije o Effie, programima i novostima.
O Effie Worldwide Podržavajući praksu i praktičare marketinške učinkovitosti, Effie Worldwide ističe marketinške ideje koje funkcioniraju i potiče promišljeni dijalog o pokretačima marketinške učinkovitosti. Mreža Effie surađuje s nekim od vrhunskih istraživačkih i medijskih organizacija diljem svijeta kako bi svojoj publici pružila relevantne uvide u učinkovitu marketinšku strategiju. Nagrade Effie poznate su među oglašivačima i agencijama diljem svijeta kao najistaknutija nagrada u industriji, a prepoznaju sve oblike marketinške komunikacije koji doprinose uspjehu brenda. Od 1968. osvajanje Effieja postalo je globalni simbol postignuća. Danas Effie slavi učinkovitost diljem svijeta s više od 40 globalnih, regionalnih i nacionalnih programa diljem Azije i Pacifika, Europe, Latinske Amerike, Bliskog Istoka/Sjevearne Afrike i Sjeverne Amerike. Effie inicijative uključuju Effie indeks učinkovitosti, rangiranje najučinkovitijih tvrtki i marki na globalnoj razini i Effie baza podataka o slučajevima. Za više detalja posjetite www.effie.org. Slijedite @effienagrade na Twitteru za ažuriranja o Effie informacijama, programa i vijesti.