En une phrase…
Comment définissez-vous un marketing efficace ?
As I know it, effective marketing is the most crucial driver for business growth, ensuring the right brand presence and sustainable profitability.
Quelles sont les tendances marketing qui vous enthousiasment actuellement ?
2023 is going to be all about the integration of AI-powered technologies, immersive experiences like virtual and augmented reality, and a focus on sustainability and social responsibility.
Comment la créativité favorise-t-elle l’efficacité ?
Good creativity drives marketing effectiveness by fostering emotional connections and distinguishing brands, leading to increased engagement and a higher likelihood of conversion.
À quoi espérez-vous que ressemblera le marketing dans les cinq prochaines années ?
I hope marketing becomes more personalized, authentic and values-driven, leveraging advanced technologies responsibly to deliver relevant and meaningful experiences to consumers, while making a positive impact on society and the environment.
Neha is a 2023 Le meilleur du meilleur mondial juge. Voir plus de fonctionnalités de In One Sentence.