Esaldi bakarrean…
Nola definitzen duzu marketin eraginkorra?
If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach consumers at the moments that most influence their decisions.
Zein marketin-joera(k) hunkitzen zaituzte une honetan?
In professional services we are forced to be ahead of practice, AND to slow down those aspects of it that dilute thinking and action. Marketing is entangled in common sense, which reflects fashionable idiosyncrasies, emergency solutions and premeditated “smartness.” Therefore, the anti-trend I’m most excited about right now is a return to “fundamentals.”
Nola eragiten du sormenak eraginkortasuna?
Creativity drives effectiveness when it meets business goals and drives sustainable impact over time.
Zein da marketinaren eraginkortasunerako oztoporik handiena?
Competence gaps and lack of marketing expertise (something common in our discipline) are the biggest roadblocks to marketing effectiveness.
Nola espero duzu marketina hurrengo bost urteetan?
It has moved more to evidence-based marketing effectiveness processes. The budget is often as big as capex but has none of the rigour. This has to change.
Bo was a 2022 Effie Awards Denmark epaile. Ikusi esaldi bakarrean eginbide gehiago.