Conviértete en una Academia Orador o Mentor

En Effie Bootcamp, se invita a oradores influyentes de distintas disciplinas a compartir conocimientos basados en experiencias de marketing del mundo real. Los mentores brindan apoyo individual a un máximo de dos participantes, ayudándolos en proyectos de casos y utilizando el marco Effie como guía para ayudarlos a obtener su certificación. ¿Está interesado en convertirse en orador o mentor?

Ayude a formar la próxima generación de profesionales del marketing eficaces.

Sus años de experiencia en la industria del marketing son una herramienta de aprendizaje invaluable para estudiantes y profesionales al comienzo de sus carreras.

Devuelve algo a la industria que te guió.

Convertirse en orador o mentor de Effie Bootcamp es una forma única de generar nuevas conexiones e inspiración.

By connecting people who otherwise would never have an opportunity to work together, the Academy provides a unique developmental opportunity for rising talent. The ability of high-potential performers to receive coaching from experienced marketers...strangers united under a common goal, is pretty special. It's a wonderful mash-up of perspectives and experiences. We were able to work together to strengthen the thinking and push it to a better place.
John Colasanti
Chairman; Solve
Mentorship is so incredibly valuable for multiple reasons - whether it be to better yourself, gain a new perspective, learn about different opportunities and roles within the industry, or just to meet new people. All of these reasons can elevate a career and enable more effective work.
Brian Salzman
CEO; RQ Agency
This is a great program for the next generation of marketing leaders - it enables them to partner with a seasoned executive to think strategically about their business. The program is more than learning how to best fill out an Effie application - that is just the tool - the program forces the participant to simply and clearly lay out key elements of the marketing strategy in the most impactful way possible.
Ann Rubin, IBM
EVP, Marketing, Communications & Events; 4A's

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