Which campaign category am I submitting to?
To have a chance of winning a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Effie Award, it’s important to submit your case in the right category. Each entry should be tailored to fit the specifics of the category it’s entered into, when applicable.
Below, you’ll find a description of all the categories. Further information about categories, please refer to this year’s Entry Kit.
Note: The submission form will be the same for all categories.
If you have any questions, please email effie@kreakom.dk.
Good luck!
Category definitions
Category definitions
De empresa a empresa
This category is for marketing activity from businesses targeting other businesses. Business-to-business cases for any type of product or service from any marketplace segment are eligible to enter. Entrants must clearly demonstrate what results were achieved because of the activity presented.
Branded Content & Entertainment
For efforts that effectively reached their audience through the creation of original branded content that is not advertising. The core of the entry should be content designed to be consumed/experienced and sought out by the consumer for entertaining or informative reasons. Entrants must detail the content, how it related back to the overall brand and business goals, how it was distributed to, and shared by, the audience, and the results it achieved for the brand and business. Branded content may be produced and distributed by either publishers or independently and can include longform entertainment. Note: Judges will expect to understand why branded content was chosen as a tactic.
Reputación corporativa
This category is for cases that promote corporations, not exclusively their products, and it might include sponsorships, image & identity and PR. In addition to presenting how the case has positively affected metrics related to reputation, entrants are encouraged to also address how these metrics relate to the corporation’s business and/or brand, and why they are important.
Environmental – Brands
Recognising brands with marketing programmes that have measurably shifted audience (B2B or B2C) behaviour toward more environmentally sustainable choices, and/or grown demand for more sustainable products and services by incorporating environmentally conscious messaging into their marketing.
Show how effective marketing programs that incorporate sustainable strategies can make a positive difference for brands and for the environment in a way that would not have been the case without the activity.
Public Relation/Public Affairs
Entries where Public Relations, including Public Affairs, External Relations etc. played a big part in strengthening the company’s or brands reputation or successfully addressed a specific challenge in the outside world, e.g. in the market, in the social arena, the political arena, among investors, etc. This category is for communications on the strategic platform for and execution of a PR effort, a specific campaign, an execution or a project-oriented effort. The strategic platform can, for example, include separate analysis and research efforts as well as the reasoned identification of goals, target groups, channels, media and activities as well as organization, resource use and possible evaluation / measurement. Results can include PR coverage, political impact, earned media value, brand attitude or behavioural measures, etc. The less volatile metrics that have been affected in the intended direction, the stronger the case.
Presupuestos pequeños
To qualify for this category, the submission must not be a line extension and must represent the only marketing efforts for the brand during the specified period. All production, activation costs, as well as the value of donated and non-traditional media, must be included in the budget. The maximum eligible budget is 2.5 million DKK per year. This category is exclusively for commercial, for-profit brands. Please note, a submission in one “Small Budget” category cannot be submitted in another “Small Budget” category. Entrants must clearly demonstrate the results achieved as a direct outcome of the activity presented.
Small Budgets – Non Profit
To qualify for this category, the submission must not be a line extension and must represent the only marketing efforts for the brand during the specified period. All production, activation costs, as well as the value of donated and non-traditional media, must be included in the budget. The maximum eligible budget is 2.5 million DKK per year. This category is exclusively for NGOs and non-commercial brands. Please note, a submission in one “Small Budget” category cannot be submitted in another “Small Budget” category. Entrants must clearly demonstrate the results achieved as a direct outcome of the activity presented.
Social Good – Brands
Recognising brands that are making the world a better place by using the power of their marketing platforms for good. This category celebrates for-profit brand efforts that effectively combine business goals with a social cause (health, education, community, family, etc) and successfully as well as measurably related that cause back to the company’s overall brand strategy, resulting in positive business and social impact.
Sustained Success
Product or service marketing activity that has delivered sustained success for at least three years is eligible for entry.
At a minimum, you must include at least three years of creative work and case results, which must include the current Effie Award eligibility time period. Work must show consistency over the three years in both strategy and creative executions; with a continuation of core executional elements (e.g. spokesperson, song, theme, tagline, etc.). As part of your entry, specifically address how the work evolved over time (e.g. media choices, targeting, insights, new products/services, etc.). Answer all questions for the initial year and describe how/why change occurred over time.
- You have a choice of 2 sub-categories:
Sustained Success – Products/Services o Sustained Success – Non Profit.
*A separate entry form and different creative requirements are required for the Sustained Success category.
Media Idea (new). Welcome a new Specialty category to the Effie Denmark family!
This category is about outstanding effectiveness as a result of media-led ideas. The line between what constitutes a creative idea and a media idea can be blurring, but there are occasions when the media idea initiated the entire effort. Media cannot exist without the content, but this award is intended to recognize those cases that were led by special media insights and where the integration of media and message led to success. The award honors media-led ideas that are powerful enough to become the genesis of the marketing program itself, to the extent that the program would not have been successful without the strategic media idea. As in every other category, entrants must clearly demonstrate what results were achieved because of the activity presented.
Introducción de un nuevo producto o servicio
Efforts used to introduce a new product or service that is not a line extension. Brand new products or new products in a new category are required to enter this category instead of their industry category. Address the category situation and how your product/service was new and the situation you faced as a result of it being new. For example, what specifically was new? Why did the newness matter? Demonstrate how you strategically and creatively attacked this challenge and what results became the direct effect of the activity.
No lucrativo
Not-for-profit organizations of all types including charitable, social, civic, advocacy, trade, special interest, religious, etc. Includes membership drives, recruitment, fundraising, etc. Explain the context and challenge and demonstrate how you strategically and creatively attacked this and what results became the direct effect of the activity.
Industry specifics (new)
To recognise effective marketing for products and/or services for brands and businesses operating in a particular industry:
- Automotor
Includes vehicles as well as aftermarket. Vehicles includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, vans – both brand and model marketing. Aftermarket includes electric charging and related services, petrol, motor oil, tyres, batteries, paint, quick-lube, oil change, muffler, transmission, windshield wipers, enhancements, etc. - Consumer Goods & Telecom This category
Includes all products and services related to electronics, internet & telecom, devices & furnishings, and software. It encompasses a wide range of electronics, such as devices aimed at both consumers and businesses, including TVs, radios, mobile devices, home entertainment systems, laptops, cameras, computer hardware, game consoles, drones, sound systems, and more. The category also covers internet and telecom services, including mobile network providers, high-speed internet access, online services, and bundled communication packages (internet, telephone, and TV). In addition, it includes home and business devices, appliances, and furnishings, such as smart home devices, kitchen appliances, and more. - Entertainment, sport & leisure
This category includes a wide variety of products and services related to entertainment, culture, sports, and leisure. It encompasses entertainment options such as apps, movies, TV programs, online and radio content, books, music, DVDs, games, toys, comics, podcasts, and more. It also covers cultural and artistic offerings, including theater performances, museums, music organizations, concert series, cultural festivals, theater festivals, and other cultural events. Additionally, this category includes all sports-related activities, including sporting events, sports teams, sports sponsorships, as well as services and products linked to hobbies, recreation, and leisure. - Bienes de consumo de rápido movimiento
Fast-moving consumer goods, such as food, beverages, household items, office supplies, personal care products, pet care, and other FMCG items that are frequently consumed or utilized. - Finanzas
Financial products and services including overall corporate/brand image and capabilities of a financial institution, or specific products or services (including current and savings accounts, credit/debit cards, reward/loyalty cards, financial planning, mobile payment services, retirement funds, investment, home banking, loans, mortgage, mutual funds, insurance products, banking apps etc). - Salud y bienestar
Health and wellness products and services that can be directly purchased by a consumer with or without physician involvement. Efforts may also be targeted to physicians or healthcare professionals. Also including work related to health insurance, dental and medical care services. - Minorista
Open to all retail / e-tail / mail order companies with general or specific merchandise. E.g., department stores; online retailers; clothing, fashion, shoes or jewellery stores and food retailers; film/bookstores; discount/bulk retailers; pet care; toy stores; greeting cards; craft stores, etc. Also includes fashion brands & designers selling direct to consumer such as clothing, jewellery, handbag, accessories, shoes, eyewear designers. - Transportation, Travel & Tourism
All modes of transportation such as air, train, bus, taxi, subway systems, rideshare services, bike shares, car rentals, ferries, as well as all forms of travel/tourism including cruises, hotels, resorts, amusement parks, travel websites and booking services, travel tours, tourism campaigns, etc.