Marchella Abrasheva, Regional CEO, Kantar

En una frase…

¿Cómo se define el marketing efectivo? 
Marketing is effective when it can prove with data that it had a significant impact on people leading to a significant impact on business.

¿Cuál es el mejor consejo que puedes ofrecer a los profesionales del marketing de hoy? 
Always go the extra mile to understand how exactly your consumers or customers think, feel and act today—great marketing campaigns always start with great insight on people.

¿Cómo la creatividad impulsa la eficacia? 
Lack of excellent creative cannot be compensated with big marketing spending and activities; if there is nothing truly emotional and motivating in what you are saying, shouting it over and over again will not make it a genuine driver of consumer response and business success.

¿Cuál es el mayor obstáculo para la eficacia del marketing? 
The increasing fragmentation of touchpoints to reach people in every sense, and the temptation to rely mostly on short-term goals; building a lasting consumer response and strong, meaningfully different brands is more challenging and important than ever.

¿Cómo espera que sea el marketing en los próximos cinco años? 
Much more intelligent cross-source data analytics easily available to marketers to help their journey in understanding consumers, building good ideas, and finding the best ways to earn their attention; more brands with purpose and potential for motivation being built and sustained all over the world.

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