In einem Satz…
Wie definieren Sie effektives Marketing?
Effective marketing is about starting at the end and from the beginning having a really clear end goal in mind; and that goal needs to be the focus of everyone working on the campaign.
Welcher/welche Marketingtrend(s) begeistern Sie derzeit?
For all the obvious reasons, AI is making me both excited and nervous in equal measures.
Wie steigert Kreativität die Effektivität?
Creativity is the catalyst that converts strategic theory to real life effectiveness.
What’s your favorite effectiveness win from the last few months—personal or professional?
Hearing one of our most aesthetically focused creatives, talk not just about the beauty of the work they were presenting, but talk passionately about how it would drive behaviour change.
Wie sehen Ihre Erwartungen an das Marketing in den nächsten fünf Jahren aus?
Wherever it appears, I hope that the message remains the master and that effectiveness is being measured by the actual impact messaging has on consumer behaviour and brand performance; not measured only by the efficiency of its delivery.
Margaret is a 2023 Die Besten der Besten weltweit Richter. Weitere In One Sentence-Funktionen anzeigen.