Anna Wilgan, VP, Product Marketing, Kantar

En una frase...

Com defineixes el màrqueting efectiu?
Effective marketing drives preference and speaks to business purpose, requiring marketers to authentically resonate with target audiences with longevity in mind.

Quines tendències de màrqueting us entusiasmen ara?

My love of positive psychology is going to show here, but I am so inspired to see the rise of advocacy-based marketing – change happens when conversation inspires action, and for marketers to be generating meaningful conversations is incredibly exciting and energizing for me.

Com impulsa la creativitat l'eficàcia?

Creativity helps us “burn the box” and reach new heights, furthering both the human and business agenda, which is exactly what effective marketing is supposed to do!

Quina és la teva victòria d'efectivitat preferida dels últims mesos, personal o professional?

I’m not able to share in full detail yet my favorite win, but recently we at Kantar developed a partnership with a global advocacy organization and are working on helping empower marketers to do better, more impactful, and meaningfully inclusive creative through actionable insights.

Com espereu que sigui el màrqueting en els propers cinc anys?

My biggest wish is that we continue being forces for good and growth – I hope to see marketers stand proudly in purpose and advocacy and expand societal good.
Anna was a Round One 2023 Effie US judge. Read more In One Sentence features.