2013 Effie Poland Awards

On October 14th, Effie Poland celebrated the 2013 Effie Awards ceremony. The ceremony took place at “Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa” in Warsaw. From the group of 52 finalists, 1 Grand Prix, 6 Gold, 13 Silver and 19 Bronze awards were presented at the event.

Grand Prix was awarded to DDB Warsaw, Starcom MediaVest Group, Tequila Poland, RC2 Raczkiewicz Chenczke Consultants for Tyskie campaign, Kompania Piwowarska.

Gold awards went to:

1. Scholz & Friends Warsaw, Carat Poland and 180heartbeats + JUNG v. MATT for Opel campaign, General Motors Poland

2. Brain and LOWE Media for ING Bank Śląski campaign

3. MediaCom Warsaw and Grey Group Poland for Boehringer Ingelheim

4. DDB Warsaw, Stacom MediaVest Group, Tequila Poland, RC2 Raczkiewicz Chenczke Consultants for Kompania Piwowarska campaign

5. GPD Advertising for Lidl Poland

6. Publicis, MEC and Lemon Sky for Orange Poland.

The Most Effective Agency of the Year went to DDB Warsaw, and The Most Effective Media House of the Year went to Starcom MediaVest Group.

During the Gala special guests: Mark D’Arcy (Director of Creative Solutions, Facebook), Janusz Piechocinski (Minister of Economy) and Miroslaw Godlewski (President of the Board, Netia SA) talked about the role creativity and innovation, the role of leadership in the management of brands and the creation of a modern economy focused on a long-term business success.


Oor Effie Wêreldwyd
Effie Worldwide, wat die praktyk en praktisyns van bemarkingsdoeltreffendheid voorstaan, beklemtoon bemarkingsidees wat werk en moedig deurdagte dialoog rondom die dryfvere van bemarkingseffektiwiteit aan. Die Effie-netwerk werk saam met van die topnavorsings- en media-organisasies wêreldwyd om sy gehoor relevante en eersteklas insigte oor effektiewe bemarkingstrategie te bring. Die Effie-toekennings staan ​​wêreldwyd deur adverteerders en agentskappe bekend as die vooraanstaande toekenning in die bedryf, en erken enige en alle vorme van bemarkingskommunikasie wat bydra tot 'n handelsmerk se sukses. Sedert 1968 het die wen van 'n Effie 'n wêreldsimbool van prestasie geword. Vandag vier Effie doeltreffendheid wêreldwyd met die Global Effie, die Euro Effie, die Midde-Ooste/Noord-Afrika Effie, die Asia Pacific Effie en meer as 40 nasionale Effie-programme. Vir meer besonderhede, besoek www.effie.org. Volg @effietoekennings op Twitter vir opdaterings oor Effie-inligting, programme en nuus.